Vivitar 285hv Thyristo Model:285HV | Avenue Shop Swap & Sell

 Camera Optics Flash Vivitar 285hv Thyristo

The built-in variable power of the Vivitar 285HV auto professional flash provides you with fill flash and the ability to shoot properly exposed rapid-sequence pictures. This vertical bounce flash gives your photographs soft, professional lighting. The four f-stops give you control over the flash distance range and the depth of field, while the auto Thyristor circuitry allows for a faster recycling time as well as more flashes per set of batteries. This smart flash has a sufficient light indicator that allows you to make the most of your photos. Includes a variable power control with optional VP-1 remote sensor capability . 


1 in stock at 802 Ottawa St., Windsor, ON (Phone # 519-977-5000)

  • Vivitar 285hv Thyristo
  • 285HV
  • Used
  • 1 in stock at 802 Ottawa St., Windsor, ON (Phone # 519-977-5000)
  • This Item Is Local Pickup Only
  • You will have 14 days to return your item. Contact the store via email or phone and a free return shipping label will be emailed to you within 24 hours. Pack the item securely, attach the return label and drop it off at any Canada Post.
  • N/A
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